I have been so blessed with many special women in my life. I thank God everyday for everyone of them and all that that do for me and my family.
This Mother's Day I want to tell a little bit about the special ladies in my life. First is two very special women who will forever be in my heart and memories. I think about them every day and I wish there were here to celebrate with us. I know they would love my kids and would be so proud of me and my accomplishments.
My Granny, Vera, passed away when I was a Junior in High School. Granny was a special lady and everyone absolutely loved her. I was so lucky to have her in my life for the 17 years I did. She was very involved in her great-grandkids lives, including mine. She attending every single basketball game of mine that should could until she got sick. She blessed us with 90 years on this Earth and we were so lucky to have those 90 years. I love and miss you so much, Granny!

My Grandma Jeanne passed away when I was a Sophomore in College. She fought a very brave fight against breast and lung cancer for 3+ years until God took her to be with Granny, pain-free. My Grandma was so special to me. Many people say that we are a lot alike and I love to hear that. She was such a hard worker and would do anything for anyone. I have many special memories with her and was so blessed to have her in my life for the time I did. I know she loved me so much and I know she would LOVE my kids. Along with Granny, she was at every ball game of mine and supported me in every way possible. I miss her greatly, especially her smile and laugh.

My Mama Hall is so special to me. She has been so healthy her entire life, until recently when Alzheimer's has set in. She has many good days, but she continues to increasingly have bad ones. It's a scary disease, especially if someone you love has it. No matter what, I will always have the memories we created together forever. I love you Mama!
My mom is my best friend. She continues to always be there for me through thick and thin. She has has been my biggest cheerleader throughout my life and continues to be today. She is the best mom in the world and now is the best Nana to Blake and Kylie. Throughout my life I have never been without and I have her to thank for that (and my dad, too). She is such a strong woman and I can only hope to be as strong and successful like her one day. I am so lucky that God chose her to be my mom and I am so appreciative of everything she does for me.
I cannot forget two other ladies who I have been blessed with in my life. Aaron's Grandmom and Mom have taken me in like the daughter and grand-daughter they never had. They are both a very big part of our lives and I am so thankful for that. They are both so good to Aaron and I and both of the kids absolutely love them. I am so lucky to have amazing and loving in-laws.
And of course I cannot forget my sister. Even though she is not my mom, she is my sister and is a wonderful mom herself. She is a full-time mom, Nurse manager, wife and she is getting ready to go back to school to get her doctorate degree in Nursing. She is an amazing person whom I have looked up to my entire life. I am so lucky to have her in my life.
There are many other special women in my life including many Aunts, Great-Aunts, a sister-in-law, and friends whom I am very thankful for as well. Happy Mother's day to all of the moms and future moms out there!